Play Later: "Remove from queue?" confirmation after playing
Currently, when something is played from the queue, it is immediately removed--assuming you never want to play it again. Which is almost never the case.
This means to continue playing, you have to search, filter for played dreams, an order by played date (if it even was the last thing you played), AND... know that such a search is possible, and which search allows you to use those filters.
Because of all that faff, a lot of people including myself add things to a collection instead--so that it won't lose track of something I don't want to lose track of, and I don't have to go hunting for it. But you can't add things to a collection from outside the game, which is one of the great things about Play Later! And this whole process sort of circumvents the feature that's meant to be designed to track games you want to revisit, which is a bit of a shame!
My suggestion is to simply confirm removing it from the queue is what the player wants before removing it. Seems the polite thing to do ;p
This way, if it's not there any more it's because the player chose to remove it. And if it's still there, it's because the player wants it to still be in the queue. And the confirmation screen is only intruding after they finished playing, so it shouldn't annoy them too much.
This would be good for elements. There are people who "remix" everything instead of viewing it normally so it stays in their play later queue.
For dreams there's a "recently played" section down the page in dreamsurfing.
I have like 5,000 things in my play later queue so this would be kinda annoying if I ever get around to them :D
You can also use triangle on things in the queue I believe. That would work the same if you just wanted to clear them out.
Personally I find it so fiddly to know what rows there are, where they are, if I've scrolled past, if I just imagined they existed but they don't, if they did exist but they've been removed, if they're in surfing or shaping, if I can just use the search for the same thing, if I can use a particular filter, where I can use that filter and where I can't, how to use the right search in the right place to use a filter I wanted to use. ...ugh.
Personally, i usually "like" everything i... erhm... like, and that's my personal collection XD then i just filter my liked for dreams or elements, and already have them all in chronological order.
Personally I feel a "do you really want to delete this from your queue" message would get old quite fast.
Altrnatively, i propose a "Exit but keep this in your queue" button. That one shouldn't provide attrition for people who are just browsing I think. -
Right, that exit button would be perfectly good for me too. That would be fine.
This message could have a "don't show this again, always remove" if you wanted. It's just so easy to make the queue actually useful as a queue, whereas for now it's not really doing it's job well enough for a lot of users. So *something* can be put into place; my idea is one something. Your idea is another something. But whatever something they pick... they should pick something! XD And these solutions are all pretty straightforward to understand and implement, so in theory they could just do it instead of leaving the queue only half-useful. (Though that hasn't stopped them in the past, sadly.)
I agree, a confirm remove from playlist prompt would be nice to be able to keep things in the play later queue. The way it is now, it encourages 'play once and done', which i believe is one on Dreams' downsides and contributes to a declining user base. Replayability needs to be encouraged. My current strategy is to immediately go to my recently played row and re-add the Dream to my play later queue.
TAPgiles, it seems like you may not have used DreamSurfing for some time. I think they've improved massively by keeping the rows more consistent. I often use the last 4 weeks row as well as what's new in their playlist. That said, it could still be improved by allowing customization, giving the player the ability to choose which rows and categories are on their homepage. But, i get the feeling that Dreams was not designed this way and pretty much everything we see is inefficiently manually curated and added.
What I do is, when it exits to the cover page, add it from there before backing out. I kick myself every time I forget though 😅
I use dream surfing from time to time. More, recently also. So I'm talking about the same rows you're talking about. My brain just doesn't watch the row names; I just scroll down until I see something I like, and start playing basically. It looks like Netflix, and I use Netflix the same way, know what I mean?
Like, if I just want to play something, that's fine I just scroll until I find something I want to play. If I want to find a specific row, though, for whatever reason I find it difficult to actually find what I'm trying to find.
Works well for others? Great! I'm just putting my own experience out there is all. Relying on someone knowing and being able to find a specific row in there isn't going to work for everyone. So simple adjustments like this that work for *everyone* are more preferable, I'd say from a design standpoint.
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