Sculpt output to detect whether a sculpt's flecks are rendered
When too many sculpts are rendered, they can't all be rendered with flecks - some will be rendered as their inner hulls only.
But the tweaks of a sculpt's inner hull will have most likely been tuned to achieve a specific look for the case where the sculpt's flecks are rendered. For the case where the sculpt's flecks are not rendered, there may have been a better way to approximate the desired look with the inner hull tweaks.
If a sculpt had an output that indicated whether or not its flecks were rendered, that output could be used to switch between two sets of tweak values for its inner hull. The more complicated uses of the output would require an extra gadget - most likely a keyframe - and several wires, but if the logic of the output were 1 for flecks rendered and 0 for flecks not rendered, the simpler uses could be as simple as a single wire from the new output to the inner tint amount input with blend mode modulate.
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