Record procedurally generated music notes
When a Sound gadget is in instrument mode, notes can be recorded in its performance canvas.
When a Sound gadget is in sound effect mode, procedurally generated notes can be played by connecting a music fat wire to its power tweak.
Those modes are mutually exclusive, so there's no way to record procedurally generated notes.
But why would anyone want to do that? It's the nature of procedural generation for the generated output to be more expensive than the generator, so wouldn't recording procedurally generated notes and deleting the generating logic use more thermo?
The answer is that in this case, the generator and the generated output don't count against the same thermos - the note generating logic is things and wires, whereas the recorded notes are the fungible memory that shows up in all three top-level thermos.
Even if the fungible memory thermo used by recording the notes would be much more than the things and wires thermo used by the note generating logic, recording the notes and deleting the logic could still be a good trade if the scene is close to the limit for things and wires but nowhere near the limit for fungible memory.
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