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  • Reporting Creation Theft

    Just so I'm clear... I'm totally cool with putting my stuff out there, and people remixing my creations into new things, or improving or adding features to my work.However, it seems there are peopl...

  • How do I select notes with a box in the piano roll?

    Somewhere in Bogdan's section of the 12-hour stream, Bogdan (I think?) dragged out a square in the piano roll to select all notes within that square. How?!The video is here:

  • How do I translate comments into my own language?

    I recently received a comment from someone in a language other than my own. There is currently no way of translating the text into english. And there is no way of getting hold of that text to paste...

  • How can I remove the "shooter" aspects from Mm's FPS template?

    I just want a first-person puppet, not one with a gun and shooter mechanics. What things should I remove/change from the template, to get a walking-simulator-esque puppet?

  • How do I temporarily turn off/prevent running?

    I want to have an area in my level (stairs) that prevents running. I want to have shorter strides so it looks okay when walking up the stairs. This works with a keyframe. But if the player tries to...