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  • How do I generate a random number?

    I can get a random integer from a randomiser. But can we get a full 0 - 1 float-style random number?

  • What's the easiest way of attaching something to the camera?

    I'm not talking about attaching a camera to a puppet, or stamping in a specific camera with controls and whatnot. I just want to use the regular controls you get when there's no active camera. And ...

  • Cloning groups vs live cloning groups

    Not really "how do I?", but more of a question on how the system works. Not sure where this kind of question should go...What is the outcome of the following:- Create a sculpt.- Live-clone it a cou...

  • Infinite Counter

    It seems a counter *has* to have a maximum limit. Is there a way to have a counter that simply counts up, without an upper limit?

  • Infinite Timer

    How can I make a timer that won't end. For example, to time a speed run?

  • Show the version notes somewhere

    At the moment, it seems impossible to read the version notes. (Maybe you can see them when updating a game from within a collection? Not sure.) It seems strange to not have this shown anywhere. I s...

  • How do I dynamically set the custom remapper parameters at runtime?

    [See attached video to see what I mean]It seems there's no way of setting min input, max input, min output, max output dynamically. You can only set the max input and max output, or all 4 parameter...

  • Message a user

    I was just invited to collaborate on a level, but I can't see any way of actually contacting the user in question. I accepted, hoping that would unlock a method of communication, but no joy. I look...

  • Change value of Text Displayer at Game-time

    I can't figure out how to set what text is being displayed at game-time. Also, how would I go about concatenating text together (eg. "a" + "b" = "ab")?

  • Get Current Real Time

    How do I get the current real-world time? (Local, UTC, etc.)