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Recent activity by siahrox Recent activity Votes
  • Please someone explain grid...

    It works while sculpting but outside of that doesn't really seem to work, I made a wall and tried to snap it on a grid to build and it WILL NOT snap like it should it's always on a Angle and when ...

  • Making items Velcro?

    So I would like to make something be able to fall or be thrown and then stick to another surface for example trying to make the sprinkles actually able to fall onto a donut and then stick to set do...

  • Making things break

    So I remember in lbp when putting a destroyer in things it let you basically shatter it, is there a way to make a whole scultp (like a Apple) break into pieces on impact or by a trigger zone?

  • How do I make lvl private

    So some things I've made won't let me publish as private any ideas why?

  • Masking

    Is there any kind is masking to be done in sculpt? Like locking part of the sculpture off so it can't move?

  • Smooth and faster keyframes

    I made a set of keys frames to make it look like he is swinging the sword however when I go to speed it up it taps out at 200 but with it all the way up the animation is still pretty choppy

  • Collaborate?

    How do you share creations with friends and not publish it to the inter webs?

  • How do I sleep again?

    Lol been spending the weekend right lol wife and little one went to sleep at 9 and I was off to dream lol till around 4am lol AMAZING JOB MM blew me away....

  • So I made this dragon in my "Santa's pet" lvl but..

    parts bottom jaw and top of the head I have used keys frames (still not hundred % on how to use them) but in between frames I would like to make his head move just a little to make him look alive a...

  • How do I/ is it possible to bend thanks

    So yeah pretty much exactly what I put in the headline is there a way to bend a sculpt like for instance say I make a long cylinder cut the middle out of it to make it a tube is there a way then to...