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cgCody created a post,
Delete spray paint shapes within a sculpt
When you spray paint within a sculpt, it's similar to the smear tool, in that a bunch of shapes are placed down along your stroke. Unlike the smear tool, you can't delete these shapes. So if you la...
cgCody commented,
I'm upvoting this, though I'm leaning more towards the game Elite Dangerous: The shape buttons are each a function on tap. On hold, they become 4 modifiers for all other buttons, fully customizable...
cgCody commented,
Yes. Add to this, R2 w/ grip looseness. Same as grabbing and moving sculpts around: Lower grip offers finer control.
cgCody created a post,
PSA: Emojis
I was looking through the game credits to see if any 3rd party physics libraries were being used (man I'm such a nerd.)Anyway, I noticed JoyPixels was credited for the Emojis. Out of curiosity, I l...
cgCody created a post,
I've hit a limit!
"Some sculptures have stopped drawing, because too many overlapping sculptures are visible at once."I'm working on a forest scene and I'm seeing this message pop up from time to time. The trees and...
cgCody created a post,
Slop in the connectors
I've been working on a character and I noticed something looked a bit off about the hands when running, though hard to tell as they're moving fast. So I attached a camera to the hand to see what w...
cgCody created a post,
Puppets 'n' Stairs
Does anyone know what setting controls a puppet's reaction time to elevation changes? When running up steep slopes and staircases, the puppet's body has a sluggish reaction in the vertical directio...
cgCody commented,
Nice find, Andy! I was thinking that trick could be used to animate the tapering of the cylinder, but it looks like the stretch tool isn't keyframeable. Still, could be useful down the line.
cgCody commented,
Sorry, yes, what Andy said. Man, I really wish Dreams had a standard forum with thread notifications.. It's hard to track a conversation here. Heh
cgCody commented,
I took the pic with my phone. It's actually the lower leg of a puppet, squished down to make the angle of the sides more apparent.Definitely not a cone. If it were, I'd be able to scope into and re...