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  • oLMCo commented,

    Oh yeah, nice one CLOUD once again good idea.I thought about ways of changing the distance with an existing scope but it would default to 0, didn't think of using another scope.I tried it out and i...

  • oLMCo commented,

    You need to label the scope/target so the scope can only hit the hunter (assuming you have the original set up, scopes on targets). Label the hunter foe or something and all the scopes the same. Wi...

  • oLMCo commented,

    I found a problem with using just the 5 scopes. Because they are all set off by different labels they can look through the target they are aiming at and hit one behind. So sadly that wont work cons...

  • oLMCo commented,

    Hey Andy, I was playing around with the laser scope and couldn't find what I thought CLOUD meant.I think they actually meant using 5 scopes on the hunter not 1, and each set to a different label. I...

  • oLMCo commented,

    '@ CLOUD1985Where does the signal from a specific label come from? the label output? (Friend, Foe etc.)If so I never knew that thanks! I tried to get it working like that a while ago with no luck, ...

  • oLMCo commented,

    Oh okay, you want information back about the target. I thought you just wanted to be able to track the closest one.I think there are a number of issues with Supposers/Matts idea but I wont go into ...

  • oLMCo commented,

    I done something similar to this with picking a placing flags.Have the bow as its own group, not attached to the puppet. Put a teleporter on it and make it follow a Tag, name it something like Bow ...

  • oLMCo commented,

    A simple and effective way of doing it would be taking the 'Jump Ascent' output from the Puppet Interface and wiring it into a mover.That way it would only move whilst on the ascent and the game wo...

  • oLMCo commented,

    I cant really tell that well from your video but it looked like the steps could be slightly angled back and/or have a rounded leading edge. Do they?If so it could be a similar problem I ran into. I...

  • oLMCo commented,

    I've seen Mm mention this somewhere before during the beta. I'll vote though so more people can see.It is annoying when that happens, they should mention how to fix it in the game somewhere.