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Recent activity by Pookachoo Recent activity Votes
  • Impy feedback and suggestions

    First of all, I absolutely love this year’s presentation! The hub was a great build up and the show was a fun time :) Mainly I wanted to comment on the change in format: having creators put themsel...

  • Puppet camera question

    Is there a way promoting the puppet camera to follow the puppet when feet are NOT on ground? Trying to make a puppet “float” upwards (using movers, followers, or force appliers) and once the feet l...

  • How to move Imp grabbed object on Z axis, with camera

    I have movement on the Z axis, but I can only move in (nearer the viewpoint) not out. In my scene there’s a camera (constantly on) and an object that can be grabbed and moved by the Imp. While hold...

  • Trick or Treat Street 2: TP Spree

    A follow up to last year’s create jam with a new twist, everyone welcome to participate with a deadline of October 17th. The TOTS2 Create Kit includes a demo, template, and instructions: https://in...

  • Save the state of an object, persistent in a Dream?

    Like the “object saver” in LBP3 - sorry to even compare that with Dreams :pI’ve got a Dreams containing several Scenes that are linked by two-way Dorrways so the player can go back and forth betwee...