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  • Krondelo commented,

    To expand on what he said. Just put one trigger zone in front of the doors, this zone only triggers them opening. Then another zone inside that triggers them closing.Try not to overcomplicate things!

  • Krondelo commented,

    I agree it's a bit frustrating. My scene was going well and reaching the end and last I checked the thermo was about 56% on the graphics. I didn't add a whole lot more mostly duped some stuff and b...

  • Krondelo commented,

    So actually I'm not sure I explained my problem that well. I have a button hooked up to a Y dampener. I can set the max value that it will go to when I push the button, however whenever I'm not sen...

  • Krondelo commented,

    Thank you John & Luci! I will still have to try but that sounds like the solution. As for the first response. Yes, even if it wasn't R2 which I know has a range a single on off switch would still s...

  • Krondelo created a post,

    Set max and min values for inputs?

    So here is a basic example.You set a controllanator thing, and hook up the R2 button to the glow setting on an object. Well it took me a while just to figure out there is a blend option on the inpu...