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  • Nicco555 commented,

    In case you need this fixed quickly I'd just like to say that this was reported nearly 3 years ago on the old forums. If you need this to work for a project don't expect it to work when you need it...

  • Nicco555 commented,

    This was added in 2.32!!! Thanks!

  • Nicco555 commented,

    When leaving a menu that scrolls down (jams, notifications), the down scroll animation is lower framerate than the scroll up animation when entering the menu. On PS5.

  • Nicco555 commented,

    The little diamond icon besides the timestamp on unread notifications/following only shows up in the following feed for me. I'm using the list view.

  • Nicco555 created a post,

    Preferences Gadget

    It would be quite useful to have a gadget with outputs for the different settings in My Preferences. This would allow creators to allow inverted camera, different camera speeds and even reading the...

  • Nicco555 commented,

    It has been nearly 3 years since I first asked for this back in the Beta. Hopefully I won't have to wait 3 more, lol ;_;

  • Nicco555 commented,

    Would like to clarify that I'm primarily talking about a setting in My Preferences rather than a puppet setting, though an option for creators to force either behaviour would be useful aswell.

  • Nicco555 created a post,

    "Stiffer" puppet camera option

    Currently when possesing a puppet, there are several assists chnging the camera angle when walking around. An option to disable this in My Preferences (meaning camera only changes direction on stic...

  • Nicco555 created a post,

    Invert X camera option

    An option to invert the X camera axis the same way we can invert Y would be dearly appreciated. This is something most modern games support, and the lack of it in Dreams makes it hard to go back to...