

  • Total activity 39
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  • FreakZiIIA8 created a post,

    Double Tapping X

    Double tapping X in edit mode on something selects everything. In a group, you select everything in that group. In a microchip, you select everything in a microchip. Connected object, selects all c...

  • FreakZiIIA8 commented,

    The Imp Bot existed before, it still works in tutorials or developer scenes

  • FreakZiIIA8 created a post,

    Can we use sustainable assets in homespace?

    The sustainable jam assets are useful and I wish I could use them in my homespace

  • FreakZiIIA8 created a post,

    Better prizebubble shader

    Prize bubbles in earlier versions of Dreams looked a lot better than just a shiny ball. Maybe Mm could bring this back?

  • FreakZiIIA8 created a post,

    Model importer

    A model importer would be nice. Maybe it could have rigging and/or blendshape support, for things like importing video game models like Sackboy, for people who want to make a Sackboy puppet using t...

  • FreakZiIIA8 created a post,

    Online Multiplayer - Separate cameras for things like FPS or so

    When online multiplayer comes to be, I'd like a global settings switch that makes the multiplayer default camera settings be different, like cameras for each online player. This could be good for t...

  • FreakZiIIA8 commented,

    This could also work as an alternative to the camera renderer requests

  • FreakZiIIA8 commented,

    Mm has thought about Magic Doorways in the Homespace before.

  • FreakZiIIA8 created a post,

    "Video streamer"

    A function that would allow you to upload a video into your scene and  broadcast it onto special video gadgets or the video player. For the video gadget, you could make it loop and pin ...

  • FreakZiIIA8 created a post,

    The cut Create in Play Mode mechanic

    I would like the cut Create in Play Mode mechanic to be revived and improved. An improvement could be having a set of object to use. Another could be a "creative zone" where you couldn't place anyt...