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How to adapt my character to specific staircase?

  • UncleM_Games

    You should be able to adjust the step height in the puppet tweak menu.

  • TheBeardyMan

    Regarding the problem of the puppet being blocked or slowed down by the stairs, the dimensions of the puppet's collision capsule are relevant here.

    The height of the bottom of the collision capsule above the puppet base is the maximum riser height of a climbable staircase - if the risers of a staircase are too high, they will block the puppet, and the puppet will have to jump in order to climb the staircase.

    The diameter of the collision capsule is the minimum tread depth of a climbable staircase - if the treads of a staircase are too shallow, the puppet physics system will see the staircase as a slide, and the puppet will need a high value for its walkable slope tweak in order to climb the staircase.

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