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Up & Animate 'Em / Create Mode TLC #6 - Bugs & Issues Thread ⚙️🐛

  • Chunky104

    The ability to input tweak values via L1 + Square and record them to an animation doesn't seem to play nice with the Action Recorder's new Animation Timeline. Let's say you want to animate a Value Slider to a very particular value; if the Action Recorder's timeline is open and you bring up the Value Slider's text entry field (L1 + Square) while recording, the value in the text entry field does not properly show up. It displays fine if you close the timeline, just not while it's open.

  • ryanw Mm Team

    Chunky104 Hey! Thanks for sharing this with us. So that we can investigate this further, could you please send in a ticket here: along with a video showcasing the issue in play. Thanks! 

  • misterbreaker

    Hi, there's a glitch that prevents me from collecting all of the prize bubbles in Art's Dream.13 prize bubbles are not registering and I've replayed the levels several times and collected them all and they still don't register towards unlocking the trophy and in game unlockables. I'm playing the digital version of Dreams and I've tried deleting my save file and starting over, playing offline and neither works. There's also a bug in The fire rages in the last part of the level when trying to save lancewing that doesn't trigger the enemies or the other explosive pillars to destroy the chains holding the cage. I've listed below the levels that are bugged and seem to be a common issue with other players. 

    1.The ticket: 3 prize bubbles

    2.The wilderness: 1 prize bubble

    3.The meridian forest: 2 prize bubbles (The first 2 in the beginning of the level)

    4.The chill out song: 2 prize bubbles

    5.The password song: 4 prize bubbles

    6.The triumph of Imagination: 1 prize bubble

  • brydoesstuff

    When I enter a hexcode onto the color wheel, the color that is being output is lighter than it should be. This goes for any color, I inputted a code for a shade of blue and it ends up being too pale and a shade of turquoise. I'm not too sure if you will be able to solve this problem or update the game, but it will be very helpful if you did. Thanks!

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