My Theory For The Next Big Update!
Okay, so for the past few months I've been looking at Mm's activities across the internet, and I have come to some pretty solid conclusions for what might be in the works for Dreams, and aspects surrounding it. I'll number my conclusions on things based on how sure I am of them.
1. Significant progress is being made on multiplayer integration/co-create.
From what I have been able to gather, the framework for Dreams, and by extension Dreams itself can actively support some forms of multiplayer, including online play. As well, positions for multiplayer developers have been removed, which could be interpreted as that position being filled or no longer needed, which in both cases could possibly mean that active testing and development of multiplayer could be in the pipeline for Dreams.
2. Announcement of update at Dreamscom/possible State Of Play
This one has less backing it but it still is very much possible.
With Sony switching to State Of Play for broadcasting announcements and updates to games, it is very possible that we could see a mid July State Of Play which may announce an update for Dreams (possible multiplayer?). On the other hand, Dreamscom might be where an update is announced, since the VR update was revealed at previous community events, it's not entirely out of the question to assume that another announcement would be made. But if this is true, it would honestly come down to whichever happens first to get the announcement.
3. Possible live service in the works.
This one is the most far-fetched, but it sounds the most reasonable.
With Mm listing a position regarding a 'live service' , at the same time a possible Dreams live Service called "Dreams+" was leaked gives me the idea that Mm might working on an enhanced version of Dreams which will only be attainable via subscribing to the Dreams+ service. The main idea for the live service is a PS5 upgraded version of Dreams with integrated multiplayer, and more. From what I've seen, possible reveal/release dates are around July 22-27 for "Dreams+".
Remember to take everything here with a grain of salt, and don't put too much weight into something that's almost 100% speculation!
I'm not sure if we're close to a "Dreams+" announcement, but I totally believe it'll happen. I'm not sure how well the game sold, but either way Dreams is an incredibly powerful tool that if people respond to it, could be around for decades (I hope!), and the only way for that to happen would be through reoccurring revenue. I hope that the service is for some specific features though. I think there should be a free version for players and creators, because it's hard to sell gamers on playing a lot of unfinished games (because there are a lot), but if were free entry then they're more likely to give it a try. I also think creating should be free / cheap because you want people to try it out, and you should want teens and kids to give it a try too. It can inspire the next generation of creators into the games industry. Dreams+ could be for advanced features such as exporting, publishing, advanced tutorials, multiplayer, monetization, and cross platform (editing on PC / Mac / iPad even). Those are at least my hopes, because if you have to pay just to use it as it is now but on a PS5, it might be a hard sell and force more people out, when you really need more people in and exploring.
after doing some digging, i found that we should expect dreams: battle royale this holiday season
According to the Trello board multiplayer is listed as "The Future" and only as R&D. So in order for it to imminent I would expect. 1. It stops being R&D and becomes just plain Multiplayer. 2. Moves from future to "Features in Progress". As it has done neither of these things, do not expect multiplayer any time soon. Or the Trello board is not to be trusted because it is out of date and hasnt been added to in ages. Hard to tell.
I think the Trello is probably just a
Ghost ship at this point. There are features on there that have been floating since launch.As for the theories, I really hope something happens this year! I miss the days when there was some actual insider cool ness being shown to us.
My personal opinion is that they could be planning some form of roblox type experience for multiplayer. I highly doubt they are just going to launch “multiplayer” as tool update only. They need a campaign/game to go with it. To sell copies! It will be months/years before the community wrap their heads around enough to produce a smash hit. If multiplayer is still coming, 100% it will come with some kind of campaign/metaverse/game bundled in!
One of the biggest mistakes of the Dreams launch was definitely leaning on arts adventure as the selling point! I loved every second of it, but it definitely was no LBP campaign. Whatever the multiplayer update comes bundled with, it has to be a smasher that knocks it out the park!
Agreed, I also think they intentionally wouldn't update the trello board and reveal something as big as multiplayer. They would hype it up with some sort of big reveal at an event with an animation or something. Mm isn't stupid enough to leak multiplayer through a trello board lol
"New Kits", while not being super exciting, are often considered a "major release" in dreams (ie, a 2.3 update instead of a 2.26 update). The next major release will have the "Ancient Dangers" kit.
While some months go by without updates on the Trello, the order of features listed on Trello has always been fairly consistent. Current features "in development" (meaning near-finished) have 3 minor updates and also the asset kit.
After the 2.30 update you can expect to see some new features migrate from "the future" into the "in development" section.Predictions are fun and all, so don't let me rain on your parade. But the Trello has never been 'wrong', just vague.
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