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Apathy or outright hostility for this forum on Twitter

  • Slimjim_Dolee

    The most important thing is that that this style of forum is here for those that choose to use it (accessibility), and the ideas voting threads are great.

    The forum is still new and will grow over time, it was empty at first but lots of ideas to vote on.

    The idea is also so that not all ideas need to be submitted as official tickets but a place for community discussion.

    There will always be different places to communicate like social media and this is just one other channel.

    I’ve personally loved reading everyone’s comments and feedback on here.

    MM also probably wanted to make sure the forum was up and running optimally before they push advertising it too hard.

    And of the 100’s of Dreams accounts that I follow daily on Twitter, I’ve not seen any issues. The old forum grew over time as well. give it time :)


  • LadyLexUK
    Conversation starter

    The Twitter community's response to my post about the forum, and why was it so quiet was either that they forgot there was one, or that we dont need one. I do not think this is suddenly going to get popular. Even if I only post here once every 2 weeks most of the comments are going to be from me. This happened on the Dreambubble forum where it got over-run by one commentator because of a lack of input. Mm should NEVER have removed the forum when they did, and leaving it this late to return it has really jumped the shark in my opinion. Everyone is completely fixed on their Reddit or Discord Dreams forums now. Also, Dreams has dropped through the floor in terms of interest. I cannot see this improving.

  • Slimjim_Dolee

    I believe the old service they were using for the forums expired, and they had to setup a new infrastructure.

    There is a lot of value here as a place to vote and discuss, especially for users who prefer not to use social media.

    I appreciate this space and enjoy taking in the content.

    I also see tons of interest and excitement around Dreams and think this year will be the biggest yet.

    There are many great things coming down the pipe and new creative ways that MM is engaging with the community and doing outreach.


    chased away a lotta folks over time. things aggregated down to what they are now.

  • Lucid_Stew

    It is a forum that is basic to the extreme, and I think that works against it in terms of getting regular forum goers to migrate.  Something that I think would give it weight as an official forum would be posts from the various Molecules we have regular access to on Twitter and the subreddit.

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