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Impy feedback and suggestions

  • TAPgiles
    Great answers

    1) Yeah "nominate yourself" was just plainly incorrect, and real bad in terms of how it looked.

    2) Cool idea! People did encourage others to put themselves forward, through social media and such, which I think was nice.

  • Pookachoo

    There are awards in which you have the option nominate yourself along with others (like previous Impys) but that doesn’t seem very common and you still have to apply or enter (and often pay a fee) before nominating anyone.

    It was very nice to see people encouraging each other, clearly the community wants to do this, having it be part of the official process makes sense :)

  • LadyLexUK
    Conversation starter

    The change in the impy format to self nomination did a few things.

    1. The community were completely left out of any of the decision making. Mm chose the shortlist, Mm chose the winners. So instead of the community making suggestions for the Dreams they liked best it became totally about what Mm likes best.

    2. Asking people to nominate themselves for an award is problematic for a lot of people. Myself included. I was humbled and surprised to get impy nominations in the previous years - it was a lovely surprise and a validation of what I was doing - but I would have NEVER suggested myself or thought of putting myself forward - especially for categories with names like Community Star! I didnt even vote for myself in categories I was nominated for (feeling that was bad form). There are a lot of talented people in Dreams who just would not put themselves forward to be judged, but would happily take a nomination if the community wanted them to have one. That means that only the confident people will be in the running - and that is not necessarily an indication of what was the best items of the year.

    3. By nominating yourself you know 100% that you were in the running for an impy, and if you do not get into a shortlist that Mm did not like your creation enough or at all. This was not the case with anonymous community voting. You did not know if your creation was ever considered (unless you voted for your own things of course), and you could console yourself on the fact that maybe you would have got an Impy if people had remembered your game and Mm had seen it. Knowing that Mm definitely saw your game and did not rate your creation can be devastating for some people, especially if it took a lot of courage to nominate themselves in the first place. 

    4. The Impys has now turned into a contest where people place an entry rather than an awards. As such it is less of a celebration of the community in Dreams because their likes and dislikes are no longer relevant and not every Dream is in the running. Now I understand that business awards run like this everywhere, and it is common for people to have to nominate themselves or even purchase an entry - but that doesn't mean its good.

    5. When I won the curation impy last year, I was at a point of quitting Dreams because I did not feel anyone was interested or appreciative of what I was doing. But with a nomination from the Community it showed that I was appreciated and noticed, and the win meant Mm also recognised that. With the new system you only get Mm's approval. It is just not the same. It does not mean the same thing. Under the new system I would not have got that feeling of being wanted by the Dreams community - and I would probably have still quit. I feel sorry for the winners of future impys who will never get that feeling of love and appreciation from the wider Dreams community from winning an Impy - because the award is no longer coming from them.

    Apparently this was driven by a need to get approval from all the nominees which was time consuming, so by having people self nominate that cut out the need to chase them down and ask permission. As we ALL had to agree to having our creations used by Mm in the terms and conditions we sign when first loading Dreams I do not see why this is necessary. We have all already agreed or not. But in case it needs to be explicitly about the Impys they could add a toggle on/off status to our profiles that says - I agree for my creations to be considered for Impys. Job done.

  • TAPgiles
    Great answers

    Regarding confident boosting from the community, the old method meant you may get a few DMs saying “I voted for you <3” and then the message from Mm saying you could be nominated if you accept. I feel the new method had a lot more patting-on-the-back and encouragement to enter yourself for the Impys, just from my own experience.

    That’s why I entered this year actually. I was like “I already won last year, it’s not like it solved all my problems or anything. Who cares?” But people encouraged me in various ways, until I realised “It may just be an award, but I’m still proud of my work!” The way I see this method of putting yourself forward, it’s asking “if you were nominated—deserved or not—what would it be for?” Through that lens, we’re not saying we’re better than everyone else, and we don’t need that much confidence to put our name down. It’s just a thought experiment.

    With the new process I found it a lot easier not needing to think of who deserves what for which category the most, and trying to make sure I didn’t forget something from earlier in the year, and double-guessing what would already have some votes and voting for something I like that may have bene forgotten about. That would stress me out before, so I was glad to not have to do it. I think that “Oscar season” effect where you wait until the last minute may have had less of an effect because it wasn’t up to the memory of thousands of other people. The creator easily remembers what they’re most proud of over the past year.

    Also, the way I look at things, not a lot has actually changed between Impy’s 2022 and years previous.

    In all previous years, the community votes did not push people into the shortlists. If a creation or person got just one vote, they were entered for consideration for the shortlist; there is no difference between getting 1000 votes for it or 1. Those were shortlisted by a group separate from people who put forward which should be considered for the award; that’s how shortlists tend to work. A lot of awards use that kind of shortlisting process, but that does not mean they are not awards.

    Only people who made it onto a shortlist were “nominated.” And that was not based on the community’s vote.

    People agreed to the terms and conditions because they wanted to use Dreams, not because they wanted Mm to include them in awards. Some people don’t want this kind of recognition or the spotlight, or are perhaps against the concept of awards on principle.

    There are likely legal things involved that require Mm to get permission to be nominated.

    The way it worked before, for a person to be nominated they would have to:

    • Get voted for by 1 community member.
    • Get picked by Mm for the shortlist.
    • Have the confidence that they deserve to be nominated, and allow themselves to be added to the shortlist by Mm.

    The way it worked last year, for a person to be nominated they would have to:

    • Have the confidence that they deserve to be nominated, and allow themselves to be added to the shortlist by Mm.
    • Get picked by Mm for the shortlist.

    So there’s a reordering, and the skipping of the 1 community member vote requirement. The person still has to think they deserve it to become nominated.

    In previous years, the community were not responsible for the win either; the winners were picked from the shortlists by judges. None of this has changed in any way.

    Apart from the handful of community-voted categories, the winners of each Impy has never been based on who got the most votes by the community. It’s never been about the likes and dislikes of the community as a whole. That would effectively be a popularity contest, which I don’t think is ideal anyway.

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