How do I create characters?
This seems like such an obvious thing to have in the tutorials, but there's hardly anything. There's a tutorial on how to give Connie extra abilities, but nothing on how to create a Connie in the first place. How do I go about creating a character with arms and legs, and have the game recognise that that's what they're supposed to be?
There are human puppets that I guess I could try to adapt, but how do I create a four-legged creature?
I want to make a game set in a park, so I need simple humans, dogs and ducks. None of them have to look realistic. Basic and cartoonish is fine, so no need even for jointed limbs. The human puppets supplied are too realistic, and besides, I'd rather learn how to create my own.
I guess I can study Connie and the human puppet, and try to work out how they're put together, but surely there should be a tutorial for this.
Any help anyone can provide will be much appreciated!
There's also the "character art" tutorial that walks you through turning a puppet into a more specific character.
Puppets are definitively bipeds. So ducks are fine. If you want 4-legged characters, you can use a puppet object, but will have to do your own walk animations and such. Or find a dog/cat on the dreamiverse that has that already sorted, and adapt it.
If you click the black puppet collection button (next to "blank puppet deluxe") to see a few more variants--including a chibi-proportioned character, the "platforming puppet."
All that said, I have many tutorials covering how to create a puppet from scratch, adding common features, and things like that. I hope it helps...
So from my understanding, you want to rig a character manually? TAPgiles has a few tutorials on that. His channel also has a lot of other tutorials covering a wide range of topics, in case you're interested.
However, most of the time it's recommended to just edit the basic puppet provided since it's already rigged and you can always delete unwanted parts. If you need an in-game tutorial on editing the basic puppet: in DreamShaping, scroll down until you see a category saying Dreams Workshop, then search for Character Art.
If you want to follow along to some YouTube videos, then this tutorial by LadyLexUK and this one by Wooshie do a good job of going over the process quickly.
Finally, if you need specific styles of character/creature tutorials with various limb counts, Easy Dreams Cult is a great channel. They specialize in monsters designs and cartoon-ish characters. I highly recommend them!
That seems like excellent advice. I'll check out those videos, thanks!
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