
  • Actividad total 71
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  • Votos 22
  • Suscripciones 20
  • Yusaghi hizo un comentario,

    "Back" Room - A room resembling the Backrooms. It's the reason why some tiles are referred to as rooms. Coconut Monkey - The real prize. Congrats Corner - "Congratulations, you made it to the corne...

  • Yusaghi creó una publicación,

    THE LUCKY MAZE - Map Project

    Getting lost in a public restroom simulator. THE LUCKY MAZE is a bighuge maze: 10km² big! And it's filled with tons of secrets, especially the most sought out after one: a trophy that so far nobod...

  • Yusaghi creó una publicación,

    How To... Export and Import Dreamiverse Music

    Contents1.    Some Context2.    Understanding Your Audio3.    Exporting Your Audio4.    Extracting Your Audio5.    Splicing Your Audio6.    Importing Your Audio7.    Optimizing Your Audio8.    Fi...

  • Yusaghi hizo un comentario,

    I understand. I only suggested verified creators because I'm assuming Mm wouldn't trust most of the community to not abuse early access features. Just look at how some people imported copyrighted m...

  • Yusaghi hizo un comentario,

    I wouldn't mind if this option was only available to Mm verified creators. It'd be nice to at least have some form of confirmation that some features are still being worked on for a future TLC upda...

  • Yusaghi hizo un comentario,

    Honestly, the whole thing needs to be reworked. Some people using the jams to push their 1+ year old creations back into the spotlight to farm more likes by doing slight edits to fit the theme. It'...

  • Yusaghi hizo un comentario,

    That just seems like more work on Mm's part to go and verify every track is original, and then there's the tricky grey area of samples. For general content creators, it's their responsibility to ch...

  • Yusaghi hizo un comentario,

    Okay so I wasn't the only one noticing my imports sounding worse than the original file. I thought maybe my PS4 had the wrong output settings or my headphones were going bad. Anyways, I agree it sh...

  • Yusaghi creó una publicación,

    Drop Shadow Inside a Circle

    Hi. I'm trying to make a transparent circle with a drop shadow on the inside and have it fade, but so far nothing I can come up with is giving good results. Paint doesn't give a clean look with its...

  • Yusaghi creó una publicación,

    New Year's Resolution

    Alright, so after spending 2+ years on Dreams and not releasing anything I've decided to do my best this year and release some content. And to help motivate me here's this post making that goal pub...