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  • Votos 22
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Votos de actividad por Yusaghi Actividad reciente Votos
  • Opacity Brush for Paint

    My apologies for skipping the introductory and going right into feature begging, but I noticed painting is getting an update (new fleck) so I thought maybe you can look into making an opacity brush...

  • Paint Eraser

    I know it's already been requested a few times, but with the new Convert-to-Painting tool I think it's a good time to reiterate why an eraser-like feature would be very much needed. During the prev...

  • New Year's Resolution

    Alright, so after spending 2+ years on Dreams and not releasing anything I've decided to do my best this year and release some content. And to help motivate me here's this post making that goal pub...

  • Intergrate indreams.me Forums Into Dreams

    SUMMARY: Integrate the indreams.me forums into Dreams so users can post from within Dreams. This will alleviate multiple problems with the biggest ones being player engagement and retention. I noti...

  • How To... Export and Import Dreamiverse Music

    Contents1.    Some Context2.    Understanding Your Audio3.    Exporting Your Audio4.    Extracting Your Audio5.    Splicing Your Audio6.    Importing Your Audio7.    Optimizing Your Audio8.    Fi...

  • 2023 Impy Noms Thread

    Didn't see a thread for the Impy nominations, so here it is. Post your questions regarding certain categories, or suggest creations for others to check out to help them with their considerations fo...

  • THE LUCKY MAZE - Map Project

    Getting lost in a public restroom simulator. THE LUCKY MAZE is a bighuge maze: 10km² big! And it's filled with tons of secrets, especially the most sought out after one: a trophy that so far nobod...

  • Drop Shadow Inside a Circle

    Hi. I'm trying to make a transparent circle with a drop shadow on the inside and have it fade, but so far nothing I can come up with is giving good results. Paint doesn't give a clean look with its...

  • Unable to Delete Anything

    I'm trying to delete some local saves to make room for more stuff, but every time I delete anything (e.g. photos, elements, collections) I still get a pop up saying I'm running out of space. Then w...

  • Keep Changes to Fleck Density After Merging Paints

    Currently we can merge paintings and any changes in the Start/End Points will be kept. An example: make one very long stroke, set the end point to 50%, then merge it with another painting. The end ...