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Denjo92 a ajouté un commentaire,
You can't, because Dreams has no export feature and will never get one, because Dreams support will end in September. The only things you can share and sell is: Pictures / Videos taken, using the ...
Denjo92 a créé une publication,
How do I make camera follow something with "Adjust Angle" in Controller Sensor?
Anyone know the math to feed into the Adjust Angle input of the controller sensor, so that the Controller Sensor camera follows a tags location?
Denjo92 a ajouté un commentaire,
The tool already exists and Mm used it a couple of times. It's just not available for us!
Denjo92 a ajouté un commentaire,
If I understand correctly then you mean something like LBP3's Broadcast Microchip? This microchip could projects its logic on all selected tags in a scene: https://youtu.be/6iVMK2enleQ That would b...
Denjo92 a ajouté un commentaire,
Yes totally possible. Here an element does exactly that: https://indreams.me/element/oQJxWXWNNKF
Denjo92 a créé une publication,
Disable Head movement when Leaning
Is there a way to disable the head and neck movement if I use leaning? I want to keyframe the head with FK in a certain position and move it with body at the same time. It somewhat works if I ...
Denjo92 a ajouté un commentaire,
Not sure about restricting it to verified only. The point of such mode would be to A: Give these tools to a bigger audience than their 10-20 QA team and B: make creators finally get excited to use ...
Denjo92 a créé une publication,
Early Access Create Mode for new Gadgets/Tools
A separate "Create Mode" just for new gadgets/tools that are in development. Not only is it more efficient to bug test it, but Mm can also receive valuable feedback. And the community feels more en...
Denjo92 a ajouté un commentaire,
I think the Follower and Loot at Rotator are send out the position of a tag in their zone! How would detecting a surface work though? Nearest point to the center?
Denjo92 a ajouté un commentaire,
I think a "broadcast microchip" from LBP3 would be a much more elegant solution. Instead of physically copying>drag>drop, you could simply put down a tag to which the broadcast microchip would sen...