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  • OogleSquid a ajouté un commentaire,

    Yah, I have been thinking about that also. Even with that though, I will have to scale down some of my projects. Although, I'm trying to create a lot of WIP prior to the migration so I can continue...

  • OogleSquid a créé une publication,

    Saving Limits Post-Server Migration

    Given the new limits after the server change for saving projects, I have 2 main questions. I've always known that Dreams would one day lose support, which is fine so long as I can continue to work ...

  • OogleSquid a ajouté un commentaire,

    Ah, Ok. I wish it would handle that by just seeing inside the sculpt rather than the entire sculpture going invisible. But that's a good idea with the wiper. I'll give that a try. Thanks!

  • OogleSquid a créé une publication,

    Stop Seeing Through Sculptures

    When your camera clips an object, it makes that object invisible so long as the camera remains clipped. While this can help with visibility, it's not so helpful if these objects are supposed to obs...

  • OogleSquid a ajouté un commentaire,

    That could work though I'm not sure how I would get the spear to be emitted in the same place as the projectile in that case, as right now the projectile spear emits a dummy spear in the same place...

  • OogleSquid a ajouté un commentaire,

    Yah and that was my plan. Have the emitted spear be simple and have a lmited lifetime. It's just that the spear that emits the copy has to be able to recognize the body part of the individual creat...

  • OogleSquid a créé une publication,

    Spear logic

    Hi there, I'm trying to create a re-creation of Peter Jackson's King Kong game. The game had a cool piece of logic where spears you would throw at creatures would stick in place on their bodies for...