How do I dynamically set the custom remapper parameters at runtime?
[See attached video to see what I mean]
It seems there's no way of setting min input, max input, min output, max output dynamically. You can only set the max input and max output, or all 4 parameters it seems? Looks like you're meant to be able to set these parameters, but I can't figure out how we're meant to do so.
Use a fat wire that contains 2 numbers perharps?
I’m not sure it is possible, sorry. What are you trying to achieve? It might be that there is another way of getting you where you need to go.
But this could defo be added to feedback. :) -
'@Wert: Yeah... I tried that, and it didn't do anything.
@Mm: A little while back I was messing with making a way of fading in a timeline when certain triggers come from the game world (eg. bouncing on certain launchpads bring in a certain part of the music track). I had that working, using a signal manipulator to fade things in and out.
I had all the logic in a sub-chip within the main microchip. The main microchip just had a series of options (value sliders and switches), and some input/output nodes to make it easy to use as a unit. I wanted to let the music stay at a lower level until "triggered" to go louder, so I thought the custom remapper would be perfect, by setting its min-out a little higher. But I also wanted that configurable aspect with another slider. But it seems there's no way of setting min-out, which is a shame.
I'll add this to feedback. But I'm not really too clear on what wiring to the custom remapper actually does, anyway. Sometimes it sets max-in and max-out. Sometimes it sets all 4 parameters... ? -
Try using a splitter to split the signal into positive and negative, then use two calculators set to multiply manipulate each side of the signal, then pop it back into a combiner. You can use sliders or something hooked up to the calculators second input to change the values.
'@napzacks: I'm not too sure what you're describing. Do you mean I can basically do my own signal manipulation? I know I can do that, but this post was obviously about how the signal manipulator works and to see if I could get it to work as expected. Thanks for the suggestion, though. If I revisit this idea later, I'll probably just implement it myself.
Did the video vanish?!
'@Supposer yea with my “testing” on the signal manipulator I found I can’t really manipulate signals like your asking so I was just giving you a workaround.
Hey, I’ve been running into this same problem and just found the solution on another post here.
If you take an input combiner and set it to use 4 numbers, the inputs on the combiner correspond to the input min, input max, output min, and output max respectively (I think I wrote that correctly. If not, just reorder the inputs until you get the desired result).
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