Help making a Guess Who style game!
Hi, me again.
I've probably spent about 10+ hours trying to figure this out and it just won't happen, no matter how close I feel I'm getting.
I've kept it basic to start with until the logic is sorted. Ok, for now I have 4 boxes, one with a beard, one with glasses, one with a beard and glasses and one that has nothing.
I have a microchip on each containing a tag naming it (box1, box 2 etc) and separate tags describing their features (HasGlasses, HasNoHat etc) and a keyframe that turns the box a different colour to represent it being flipped.
There's a separate box with a microchip on that contains the logic for the game. A randomiser picks a trigger zone that links to one of the names. The tag on the chosen box activates a text displayer that shows 'selected' over the box so that I know it is working and can check the rest of the logic.
Another randomised picks a question like 'does it have a beard?' which then used two trigger zones to search for either the Has or HasNo tag on the selected box. Whichever tag is found links to a wireless transmitter back to the game logic to display the word yes or no, again so that I know it's gathering the right information.
That all works, or seems to.
What I'm then struggling with is the logic required to tell the game to activate the keyframes on the boxes that don't meet the criteria. Ie if the selected box has a beard it should activate the keyframes for the boxes that don't, and vice versa.
I tried using a NOT and AND gate to say if the box is not selected and a tag is found to activate the keyframe. Sometimes the not gate didn't do its job and the keyframe activated even if it isn't selected. Deleting the not gate and creating a new one would sometimes resolve that issue.
Anyway... help please! I know it's difficult when you can't see the full logic but can anyone point me in the right direction or perhaps a useful tool I may not have thought of using.
Figured it out eventually! I was trying to be too general where I needed instances for all possible answers.
Now I need to figure out human player logic and swapping from CPU to player turn. That's going to be a challenge! -
This sounds cool. I have done that before too. This game needs you to be very specific
With every single possibility.
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