Color Picker Shortcut
I could have sworn I've seen devs in streams pull up the color picker without going through the menu. But I can't seem to find a listing for it anywhere.
Am I just imaging things, or is this one of those super secret shortcuts?
Click the touchpad. It's super secret though, so shhh don't tell anyone! :D
EDIT: For the DS4, anyway. Not sure on the moves. -
Who spraypaints with the DS4?! :'-(
J/k of course. Thanks, Cody. I'm hoping someone knows the moves shortcut though (and that one exists). -
According to the docs (adjusts imaginary glasses): tap secondary sphere to primary base.
^^ -
Niiiiiiiice, Tap. Thanks!
In hindsight, I probably should have been googling "colour" picker.
(Leaves before he goes on a superfluous "U" rant) -
Haha, well I spraypaint with the DS4, but only because the left handed moves have mirrored menus and I can't stand it. :D
Enough with the DS4 shaming, people! XD
If it's good enough for Disarmed, it's good enough for anyone! -
Fair point. I think there's a Youtube video of that in action, by the way: -
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