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Use trigger zones for player defined zones

  • phort

    Add a Tag called “Player is in bounds” to your player, and a tag called “Stay in bounds target” to a point inside your level. Add your zone, set it to detect “Player is in bounds” tags.

    In the player, the “Player is in bounds” tag has an output that tells whether it is being detected by a zone. Connect that to a NOT gate, so you have a signal telling you when you’re out of bounds. Connect that to a Follower mover gadget, and set the Follower to move towards the “Stay in bounds target” tag.

    You can now duplicate as many of that zone and the in-bounds tag as you want, and the mover will go towards the nearest tag whenever you’re not inside at least one zone.

  • madduey

    Appreciate that phort. This will certainly work for a lot of tging but i had some thing more specific in mine.

    Let me test your brains on this.

    Currently i have my puppett rotating around a single point from a set distance. I do not want my puppet to be able to travel forward or backward only being abke to orbit around a single point.

    I managed to do this by trapping my puppet between 2 circular invisible walls, both set to collidable.

    This works well i can run around like crazy and only orbiting a central point.

    Problem i have is when i want to look at the central point, lets say to shoot at a boss character, my puppets arms collide with it making the arm physics squish up againdt it, making any gun attached not aim to the centre but lost likely its feet lol.

    I was going to try puppet stationery and just have the level rotate but that also presents problems as i was gping to have obstacles and smaller enemies attack me from left or right. So by making the level spin with my left or right input means i control the speed in which these enemies or objects travel, not good.

    I woukd think a tricker zone would be ideal set to restric a player inside, or prevent a player entering by detecting the user defined hit box. Think force field for your puppet or a spell to trap an enemy. Could be really useful.

  • madduey

    Nevermind i figured out i can use force applyer zones and tweak the strengths to effect tag type to do pretty much exactly what i wanted :)

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