How do I use a sculpted object to sculpt?
I thought that I would have been able to use a sculpted object to sculpt
Eg. I create a star shaped object and take it to cut (cookie cutter style) a star shaped hole in box.
Is this already possible and I'm just missing something?
Yeah I would like to know this as well I could have worn I've seen it in a stream awhile back
Afaik this isn't possible. You can only sculpt with the default shapes. You can custom deform them, but you can't make entirely new ones.
You cant do this unfortunately. We have never had that feature. But you can use the kaleidoscope guide when sculpting to cut out a really easy star shape :)
Hope this helps - Peter -
OK thanks Peter. I thought I saw Kareem doing it in a stream, I must have imagined it
Dreeko, I too remember Kareem doing this in his last stream. Going to rewatch it tonight to see what he actually did. Possible misinterpreted what he was doing.
This feature will make things so much easier...
I think kareem used a shape and adjusted the looseness and then he was basically sculping with grass at that point
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