Test Mode Shortcut?
Pardon my ignorance and frustration, but to get to "test" mode, I press square, wrestle the imp onto the mode icon, click, then wrestle the imp onto the test icon, click, then wrestle the imp onto the play icon, click. It's exhausting the second time I have to do it, not to mention the 1000th time.
Are there any shortcuts to get into and out of test mode?
Even an additional icon when pressing options so we could choose between "play" mode and "test" mode would be an improvement.
Do you have your imp sensitivity ratcheted way down? It should be more of a flick of the wrist than a wrestle.
nah, I have 40 years of mouse experience so a gamepad is pretty foreign. I've adjusted the sensitivity up, down, looked for a sideways slider, it doesn't matter. Half the time the imp is drifting off the screen and the rest of the time it's not where I need it to be, but regardless, a shortcut would be a godsend.
There is no shortcut to getting into the mode. But L1 + circle will get you out of the mode. Out of any mode, actually.
Sorry to hear about your imp troubles. Handling the imp will become second nature in a short amount of time.
The "imp drift" is a known issue with the hardware itself. I believe Mm are looking into ways of mitigating the problem, but as it's the controller itself that is the problem it's unclear how much they can do.
For now, just reset the imp position. I find holding it still for a second or two after resetting helps settle it down a little better. Or you can place the controller on a flat surface, reset, let it settle for a second, and then carry on; this has helped me from time to time.
Another method if it gets really bad, is to turn the controller off and on again. I assume this cycles the power to the gyro sensor and can settle it down. -
Remember, you can always pause and go to play mode instead. I know those are different modes. But if you don't need to see the gadgets and such, then this kind of shortcut may be easier for you to use.
And in some cases you can play time too to see how things would play out, rather than actually needing to play the game. -
I think a shortcut for test mode would be quick and handy for debugging. Maybe make a suggestion thread?
R3 is play
L3 is pause
So maybe
Shift (L1) R3 for test mode
Shift (L1) L3 to exit test mode
...would make sense. :) -
I thought this was the suggestions area, my bad.
@Supposer - I'll have to try again this evening, but when in test mode, pressing L1 + circle de-possesses whatever object is possessed and the imp becomes available. At that point, L1 + circle doesn't do anything more because I'm still stuck in Test mode. Getting out of test mode requires clicking on the big Exit Mode icon, which also leaves the time running so an additional click is required to turn that off. -
1000% agreed! It should he there as an option when you press the options buttons, along with Play mode and exit etc etc. I hope they add a shortcut in a future update.
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