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  • se24vad commented,

    '@MostlySquares yes, I've tried coolpaitr for ps4 in VR - since then I'd never want go back to 2d whenever possible. Hopefully Dreams will amaze me when VR support comes out.

  • se24vad created a post,

    having issues guessing "depth" when painting

    hey people, did you have hard time guessing where the imp will put a paint stroke?Try to draw a vertical line. (With movecontrolers this is difficult. With dualshock its easy, because they always s...

  • se24vad commented,

    thank you. looking forward to the new tutorials and will be practicing my skill further :)

  • se24vad commented,

    I could imagine the dualshock could work like the motioncontroller. pushing it towards the camera brings the imp closer to the sculpt and draging the controller back to yourself (away from the came...

  • se24vad created a post,

    sculpting with dualshock almost impossible

    having very hard time sculpting with dualshock. the navigation is very difficult. especially when you try to make a "stoke" motion. you need to pan (left/right) and rotate (e.g. around an edge) the...

  • se24vad commented,

    I also don't see the red camera icon. it just display the zoom level and imps are same size no matter if I drag controllers apart or together. but I have the feeling the the "detail level" still ch...

  • se24vad commented,

    '@Martin oh, good then! :) thank you for clarifying that for me.

  • se24vad created a post,

    unit-perfect sculpting (cad)?

    is there a way of sculpting in precise units (like millimeters)? would be cool to have dreams replicate CAD software and use these sculpts to print out on 3d printer.

  • se24vad commented,

    I could imagine you can create multiple animations and then play whatever animation you need on certain events via logic... (something similar to morph targets in other 3d software) ?...

  • se24vad commented,

    side question: can anyone explain the idea of having a homespace to me? there are menus and collections and stuff. why even have a homespace (just for decoration purpose)??