#DreamsCom21 - Late/Missed Booth Submissions
#DreamsCom21 is right around the corner! We've loved seeing your booths coming to life on social and in the Dreamiverse, but understand that some of you may have been unable to submit your booth due to private element errors or other such goings on!
If you were unable to submit your booth by the deadline, please leave a comment below with the indreams link and our Community Team will look to include it in the show-floor! :)
Hi Tom, MM, i was one of those people, and kinda sad I couldn't figure it out in time, spent all friday trying to sort it.
here's the link
GirlfromCroydon DreamsCom 2021 Booth | indreams.me
I started to remake it without the private elements, and would be more than happy to continue making it and re-submit to save your guys time, if you are happy to allow me to do that. Sorry for the bother, and thanks :)
Hi girlfromcroydon!
Apologies you ran in to those issues! I'll add this to our list and reach out if we need any further info/assistance from you!
Cheers! -
i would be sad if my booth isnt in there. i got a tweet a day later about the last 3 hours to enter but i made my booth on that day i saw the tweet.
Hey there!
Didn't realize we were to re-submit when updating our booths.
latest version is uploaded, thanks for the opportunity to clear up submissions.
https://indreams.me/element/oKBDVMeTptU -
Hey there!
Really wish ya would communicate better that you have to re-submit the link to the booths, definitly something needed for the future events, and defintily needed to be in big caps wording on the submit form.
https://indreams.me/element/oYVXLVMWFSx For my booth, thank you. -
Hi Mm!
Thanks so much for making this forum, I too had issues with my booth and if there's any way to help I would really appreciate it :)
I currently have a booth submitted, however it was not the one I wanted. The booth I spent a long time working on would not allow me to publish it due to private creations - however it didn't specify what creations I had to make public in order to publish. I found this out the day-of and had to hastily cobble together a new booth in order to submit before the deadline.
This is the booth I wanted in the show: https://indreams.me/element/orBXgVPmpgNI understand if there's not a way to add it now, but if there is I would really appreciate it.
Is there something I can do to prevent this issue for future submissions? It will not tell me which creations are causing the issue with publishing.
Thanks a bunch,
I posted the link to my booth on my twitter reply, but I will post here as well. Thank you https://indreams.me/scene/dmTnKLngPjy
Sharing it here just in case! Thanks for the opportunity.
YoungtextYoutube - Got it! Have added your booth to our collections! :)
PieceOfCraft - No worries, I believe we've reviewed the latest version of all booths in the end, so should have yours to hand!
BoomShaqaLaqaX - Same as above, we've ended up reviewing the latest version of all booths - I've personally just reviewed yours, looking great! Feedback will be taking on board for next year's DC!
NauticalSquatch - All good, will make sure we use the booth you want! Will be in touch if we need anything else from you on this one.
halloweenking78 - Thanks! Got it!
LyzLdy - Brilliant, thank you for getting involved! -
Hello Tom! I saw that my booth was added to the Dreams collection but can't remember what version I submitted to the submission page. I made some tweaks after the first booth submission, can you all check to see if the latest version was used? https://indreams.me/element/oMxVWFfswim
Hey Tom!
Two Questions for you.
1) If we submitted a booth and for some reason it doesn't pass your inspection, will we be notified? And will we be able to fix/resubmit?
2) For demo submissions it stated that you would review the version submitted. When i submitted my demo, it had a bunch of really big bugs still but i had to submit it to meet the deadline.
I've since updated it and fixed all of those bugs and problems but would hate that buggy version to be the one evaluated and then rejected because of its problems.
That was the submission in question.
Is it possible to evaluate the latest version?
Hey Tom,
we just need an update on our booth (god we struggled with A LOT of private elements to publish x.x)
but we are all good now =)
Here you go: https://indreams.me/element/onifCQcFzpm -
Hey Tom, hey Mm,
booth submission went through without a hitch, but the demo wouldn't work, because a prior version of it had already been entered in a jam, apparently. This is probably old news, anyhow, because I've kept banging on about it on Twitter, but just in case, here's the link to the Dream I would love to be featured as my DreamsCom demo:
Thanks so much for going the extra mile with this! :-)
PeasAndTanks - We've got it, not to worry! We're going to be accepting one update to all booths before we start compiling the show (likely the tail end of the week) so as long as it's published/updated, you're all good!
theMatty-K - 1) We're going to try our best to reach out to everyone we run in to an issue with when reviewing their booths, yes! I can't guarantee we'll be able to (there's a lot!) but anything that is causing a blocker, we'll work to sort out! So far though, everything seems really good so I wouldn't worry!
SakkusMind - Your booth is SO COOL! Was looking at it this morning. We've updated it to the most recent version, so you should be good!
schreppybroepke - I've passed your link on to the Curation Team who'll make sure it gets added! -
I submitted mine a day early but I didn't realize we had to resubmit either. I had a logic issue that was bugging me and kept working on it til the deadline but thought my most recent save was enough.
Hi Tom did you get mine I hope I wasn’t disqualified I was worried I’m kind of new to this here’s my booth https://indreams.me/element/oZYgfcTwcSV
I also didn't know that we needed to resubmit if we made changes after submitting the link.
If possible, can you please update it?
Here's the link to the booth:
Hey Tom,
DreamsFest had some publishing issues when went to submit our booth. We ended up having to remake stuff at the last second and submitted something that was less than what we wanted. We have since updated our booth and released as public. Are you guys able to update it for DreamsCom? That would be so awesome! Thank you for doing this and helping us all look our best!
Hey Tom,
I'm still right at the beginning with Dreams but I really wanted a booth. I submitted my booth but set it to not listed. hope that wasn't a mistake!
La verdad, tengo mucha ilusión con este juego y me gusta crear grandes cosas. Tengo un proyecto ambicioso en mente, pero el idioma me está matando. Hoy día hay aplicaciones y programas que lo traducen todo (de mejor o peor manera) pero que lo hace automáticamente. Estaría bien que Tanto en Dreams, como en estos foros, hubiera alguna herramienta para traducir automáticamente los textos y al menos así, poder comunicarnos más fluidamente para poder colaborar entre diferentes países y por consiguiente, idiomas😊
Finishing my booth up later today, tomorrow the latest! If it's done would it be added? Sorry I work almost everyday but I really wanna be a part of this!! Let me know:)
BlaccSheep92 - You're all good! Looking at your booth right now! :)
NOVADECK - Everything's looking okay! If we run in to any issues with a booth, we'll do our best to reach out to the creator to see if there's anything we can sort out. But as long as it's within the guidelines, then you should be fine!
danikaka - Not to worry! We're going to be accepting at least one update to each booth before we start building the show at the end of the week, so as long as the update is there already - you're all good!
beardofcats88 - I think you should be fine! I know you've been chatting to Jamie, and we've made sure to give your booth an update@N-1-C-O-l3ro4One - You're good! I can see your booth on our list :)
Akirafran - ¡Hola! Muchas gracias por tu mensaje, y tu opinión sobre la localización. ¡Te oímos totalmente! Es un tema que hemos estado discutiendo activamente, especialmente a medida que más y más Soñadores de todo el mundo empiezan a descubrir el Dreamiverso. Si tienes algunas ideas sobre cómo podría funcionar esto en Dreams, ¡nos encantaría que nos las contases! Si tienes un momento, no dudes en presentar tu sugerencia para el equipo en nuestros foros de Ideas. https://forums.indreams.me/hc/es/community/topics/360001151297-Ideas -
GoSoftPlease - I can't guarantee it as we're aiming to begin building the show-floor from Friday onwards, but if you're able to get the link over as soon as you're done, we can review it and try our best! :)
Hi all!
Thanks for all the submissions via this thread, and for the feedback on the submission tool!
From now on we are not going to be able to accept any further submissions.
Hope to see you all enjoying DreamsCom! <3
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